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Lenni George

Counselling Psychologist

Lenni George


29 years

Hyderabad, Telangana

7 years experience

Educational Qualifications

BA in Psychology, Journalism and English from St. Joseph's College
MCs (Hons) Psychological Counselling from Sampurna Montfort College



Interpersonal Relationship Issues
Anxiety Disorders
Body Image/Eating Disorders
LGBTQ+ Concerns
Abuse and Trauma



Narrative Therapy
Emotion Focused Therapy
Feminist Approach



Individual - INR 1650 (50 minutes)

*This therapist may offer variable pricing

All our therapists are well equipped to deal with anxiety, stress, depression and emotional regulation concerns.
Prices noted are for Indian residents and may differ for clients residing abroad.

Additional Information

English & Malayalam

Zoom, Google Meet, Whatsapp, Skype, Google Duo

+91 9632414007

Know Your Therapist

How did you know you wanted to be a therapist?

I read about the 'Bystander Effect' in my high school and remember thinking how funny but advanced our brains were that something so simple, needed a course of action. I later spent time understanding the many facets of human behaviour (which was fairly new to me at the time) and realised that a future in psychology made most sense. Add to this my love for working with people and the understanding gained during my academic years, made me realise that being a therapist was what I found worth pursuing.

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